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News in the Parks

Lessons From A Métis-Led Snowshoe Through Elk Island National Park

Keith Diakiw deftly wraps a red-striped Métis sash over my winter coat and around my waist, tying it loosely on the left to signify that I’m taken and not single. One of my fellow “geo-explorers” opts to have her sash tied in the middle as a hard-working Voyageur would have during the fur trade era. Another chooses to be a Métis princess with the sash wrapped over her left shoulder across her heart.

Governments Announce Plans To Expand Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park

The Canadian and Quebec governments have announced they’re working to expand the boundaries of the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park. This project aims to better protect the biodiversity and ecosystems of the St. Lawrence Estuary, which is home to nearly 2,200 animal and plant species including the endangered beluga.

Public Input Sought On How Parks Canada And Jasper Can Work Together

Parks Canada is inviting input on sharing responsibility with the Municipality of Jasper for the delivery of land use planning and development services, and whether a new model should be explored. This includes determining who should carry out what land use planning and development responsibilities within the Town of Jasper, and how the municipality and Parks Canada could work together in the delivery of these services.

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