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Parks in the News

National Park Service and US Border Patrol to Share a New Operations Center at Lake Amistad National Recreation Area

The National Park Service and the U.S. Border Patrol have agreed to jointly fund and occupy a new 30,000 square-foot operations center at Lake Amistad National Recreation Area. Both agencies stand to gain a great deal. The new arrangement will not only consolidate and upgrade scattered facilities, but also foster interagency cooperation in an area of the U.S.-Mexican border that is difficult to manage and patrol.

At Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, Things are Not Always as They Seem

A Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area visitor summoned police after spotting a group of armed men apparently getting ready to execute a handcuffed man. Quickly arriving on the scene, police officers arrested one guy and gave the others tickets and a stern lecture.

Had a Good Laugh Yet Today? Congress Wants You to Believe that the Lower Taunton River is “Wild and Scenic”

The U.S. House of Representatives has decided that the urban-industrial lower Taunton River in Massachusetts should become part of the National Wild and Scenic River System. Lots of people think that calling this stretch of the Taunton "wild and scenic" is just about the most bizarre thing they've ever heard.

National Park Service Agrees, Conditionally, to Keep Yellowstone's Sylvan Pass Open For Snowmobiling

Despite internal concerns for safety and high costs for a small number of people, the National Park Service has agreed to provide winter access across Sylvan Pass in Yellowstone National Park. However, conditions tied to that access could make it easy for the pass to stay snow-bound as Yellowstone officials initially wanted.

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