If you haven't already, consider signing up for the Traveler's weekly e-newsletter. Not only does it keep you abreast of the latest in the parks, but from time to time we can offer you special offers.
For instance, through August Traveler readers who receive the newsletter are being offered 15 percent off on musical CDs, park DVDs, and park calendars from Orange Tree Productions.
Last December I reviewed some of their CDs and found them to provide great background music. In fact, we use cuts from some of their recordings as intro and fade out music for our podcasts.
Peals of thunder, gently falling rains, the slap of surf against the rocky shores of Acadia National Park, even the roaring of a geyser. These are some of the sounds of nature that have been pulled into musical compositions that revolve around national parks. Produced by Robb Klein, an audio engineer, and Randy Petersen, a musician, these CDs capture the moods of nature found in the parks, and can spur fond memories of your visits while you're far from the parks.
To sign up, enter your email into the Traveler's Week in Review box in the right-hand column. And don't worry, we don't sell or give away email lists.
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