National Park Mystery Spot 37 is a unit of the National Park System . If you can tell us which it is, you will be eligible for our monthly prize drawing.
"Tall is too small," the barista said,
"Starbucks recommends the medium instead. "
What Hoover hammered out of the park
Was a curveball with a generous arc.
The Venus you see through your naked eye's lense
Shines like a star that has no friends.
We'll reveal the answer and explain the clues in tomorrow's Traveler.
Is it the Lake Mead National Recreation Area?
Nope, not Lake Mead.
Well, Beachie, the professor's pretty darn picky when it comes to answers, so I'll say you're definitely hot with one of your two picks, but you really need to be more specific...
Gosh, OutInTheStiks, that answer is hot, hot, hot. Wanna try again?
Congratulations, celbert. You've got the right park. BTW, the Quizmeister is devious, but he is not that devious.
As for that third clue; it's useful, but not essential. As you've shown, it's possible to get the correct answer to this mystery spot puzzle without having a clue as to what that clue means. All will be explained tomorrow.
Beachie has nailed it too. Good job.
Yellowstone NP?