When you absolutely, positively, need to get away for a winter adventure, look north to Kenai Fjords National Park and its Willow Public Use Cabin.
This cabin, accessible by snowshoe, cross-country skis, or snowmobile, is in the general vicinity of the Exit Glacier in the park. It goes for $50 a night, and can sleep up to four people in two bedrooms. Keep in mind, this is backwoods rustic. There's no running water, a vault toilet is a short walk from the cabin, and it's powered by propane -- propane heat, as well as propane-fueled stove, oven, refrigerator, and lights. The cabin is furnished with table and chairs, a couch and bunk beds with mattresses. Basic cooking utensils, pots and pans, and flatware are provided.
There's a three-night limit for stays. Once at the cabin, you can explore the surrounding landscape, which includes the Exit Glacier roughly a half-mile away. Wildlife you might encounter includes wolves, moose, wolverines, mountain goats, and bald eagles.
Reservations begin to be taken on October 15 and end on April 15. They can be made in person by visiting park headquarters at 411 Washington, Seward, Alaska, or by phone at (907) 422'0500.
Please call me at 907-441-1232 as soon as you start taking reservations for Feb 2016, I would love to visit the cabin with my wife, it has been on our list for years.
Matthew Quaid