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Spammers Are Targeting National Parks Traveler


Published Date

February 22, 2009

In recent weeks there has been an increase in attacks on National Parks Traveler by spammers. While our CAPTCHA system prevents most computerized attacks, it can't stop those performed by individuals.

Unfortunately, there was on attack early Sunday morning in which an individual was able to send out an X-rated message to some Traveler readers. The body of the message indicated that the content was approved and disseminated by the Traveler.

Not only do we want to apologize to those who received this message and make it clear that it was not authorized by the Traveler, but also assure our readers that we will investigate options not only to prevent this from happening but also to see the individual(s) behind this attack prosecuted.


Kurt, once again I thank you for running this blog. I hate to hear that the NPT has been spammed. Regular followers will always know that any "trash talk" did NOT come from this enjoyable and informative website. Hopefully we can keep any future attacks to a bare minimum.

Sorry to hear abou that. I hope you catch them, Kurt.

We are having the same problems on our forum...the spam bots have gotten very sophisticated. We had to stop using the character recognition and switched to the question and answer - which so far has worked well.

I am convinced that most readers of this blog will never even consider the idea that the National Parks Traveler might actually be a spam outlet. Thanks again for putting so much effort into this blog - and no need to apologize for the bad behaviour of other people...

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