A black bear attacked a couple along the Blue Ridge Parkway./Sam Hobbs via NPS
Editor's note: This story has been updated with new information from park staff. You can find the update here.
A black bear, possible aggravated by a barking dog that was off leash, inflicted minor injuries on a couple that was enjoying a picnic near the Folk Art Center along the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Parkway officials, who instituted several closures along the ridgeline park in a bid to prevent additional attacks, were trying to track the black bear. If caught, it would be euthanized, a park release said.
The attack happened Wednesday evening. According to the release, the unidentified couple was alerted to the bear's presence by their dog, which ran towards the animal while barking.
"Likely aggravated by the dog, the bear acted defensively toward the dog and the couple," the release said. "Over the next several minutes, there were repeated attacks by the bear while the couple retreated with their dog to the safety of their vehicle.
The couple, whose injuries were not detailed, then drove to an area hospital where they were treated and released.
Area closures that were instituted following the incident included:
- The Mountains to the Sea Trail from the intersection with the parkway visitor center Loop Trail near milepost 384 to Riceville Road Bridge at milepost 382.
- The Folk Art Center Nature Loop Trail and all trails accessed off of Bull Mountain Road.
- Picnicking was also prohibited between the Asheville Visitor Center and adjacent parking areas near parkway milepost 384 to the Haw Creek Overlook near milepost 380.
Park staff was working with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission staff to capture the bear, and was conducting foot patrols in the immediate area of the attack.
"If the offending bear is captured and positively identified, officials will humanly euthanize the animal per park and NCWRC protocol," the release said.
Park staff reminds visitors that fall on the Blue Ridge Parkway is a key feeding period for bears, as they try to add calories before winter hibernation. Visitors need to practice proper food storage, keeping pets leashed, and viewing wildlife from a distance, the park release said.
Euthanize the bear? No! Couple should assume responsibility for having an unleashed dog!
These people were not following protocol, and allowed their dog off leash, as well as having a picnic in an area where bears are feeding as they prepare for hibernation. They weren't seriously injured or killed; why should the bear be euthanized?
Noooo do not euthanise the bear. he was "attacked" first by unrestrained dog.
In Australia you cannot take any domestic pet or animal into wildlife reserves and parks.
Of course the bear reacted, IT'S HIS HOME AFTER ALL. He'd react to any animal having a go at him. Picnickers need to choose recreation spots wisely especially in this pre-hibernation then post-hibernation season. This info is always available throughout these parks (which I thought were created to also protect the animals within).
Surely this rule (where no actual attack took place it seems, can be relaxed). We're too quick to harm and blame our wildlife supposedly in the name of self protection.
Educate the public FIRST.
Our wildlife is just that ... Wildlife. Let them have their life. We should work around it.
Hoping they do not find the bear who was doing it's best to try to prepare to survive the winter. How would they "positively identify" that same bear! We were hiking along a creek near Banner Elk, NC last week and came upon a very freshly killed deer carcass. We IMMEDIATELY turned back and walked as fast as we could to avoid disturbing a bear coming back for a snack. We must respect their right to their home and habitat.
....So.....the couple should be euthanized? You're an idiot. You people crying about the occasional killing of a bear make me sick. We live in and with Nature, and there are consequences on both sides- to both bear and human. Deal with that until you accept it and take your tail and go home.
The bear is not a problem bear. it was threatened by an off the leash dog. The couple should be banned fron all national parks for life. Don't play by thr rules lose the privelege.
Keep ALL dogs on a leash!! I've been attacked by loose dogs and not bears. Not the bear's fault.
PLEASE DON'T EUTHANIZE THE BEAR!!! People were letting their dog run around unleashed. It's their fault, not the bear's. Why kill an innocent animal over people's stupidity? If you must put the bear down, put the dog down as well. It's only fair. Jerks!!!