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Requiem For America's Best Idea

Op-Ed | Do We Love The National Parks Enough?

By William Lowry

People love the national parks, to the point where many, including Kurt Repanshek in his compelling column in a recent edition of the Traveler, worry that we are loving them to death. I argue that, in at least one respect, we are not loving them enough.

The parks are one of the few issues today that inspire Americans, regardless of ideology or political party. Americans have backed up their talk with action, even voting for increased taxes for parks and other open spaces. Even Congress overcame its polarization and in 2020 passed a bipartisan measure - the massive Great American Outdoors Act -  that dedicates nearly two billion dollars per year for much needed maintenance and repair projects in the national parks. This was a crucial step, but the dangers the parks face are far greater than maintenance and repair can remedy: the existential threat of climate change.

My friend Michael Yochim, who passed away in 2020, tackles this question in his important new book, Requiem for America’s Best Idea: National Parks in the Era of Climate Change, which will be published later this month by High Road Books. He focuses on climate changes occurring in the crown jewels of the park system: Glacier, Olympic, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and the Grand Canyon. While many of us claim to love the national parks, Yochim not only loved them, he lived them. He worked for the NPS in Yellowstone, Yosemite, Sequoia and Grand Canyon for nearly 30 years. And he did much more than work in these places. He was the epitome of someone who did what Edward Abbey always advised, do what you can for wild places but also take the time to enjoy them.

In his book, Yochim meticulously documents the effects of climate change on the park system:

1) Snowpack levels are down as much as 40 percent in these parks over just the last few decades.

2) Half of the glaciers in Olympic are gone. Nearly all will disappear from Glacier by 2030.

3) Water levels on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon during the megadrought, the worst in the West in 1200 years, have dropped to levels that triggered the first ever mandatory cutbacks in water usage.

4) Fires are increasing in size and severity throughout Yellowstone, Yosemite, and elsewhere in the West.

5) Pine beetles are thriving with shorter winters and devastating entire forests. Plant and animal species have been impacted by changes in habitat like never before.

6)  Sea level rise will likely inundate freshwater ecosystems in the Everglades in our lifetimes.

And these situations will only become worse if we don’t take actions now to address climate change and its causes.

What makes Yochim’s warning even more powerful is his story. In 2013, Yochim was diagnosed with ALS, the devastating neurological disorder better known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. The disease ended Yochim’s long career and ravaged his body. It's usually fatal to people within just a few years. Yochim fought it for eight, as the disease destroyed the ability of his body to function while his brain, trapped inside, remained active.

During those years, he knew he was dying, but he didn’t want the parks, as he and so many of us know them, to die as well. In the last few years of his life, the only thing he could use were his eyes. So, with an eye-tracking machine, he would pick out letters to make words and then put them together into sentences. It would take hours to write a single paragraph. But he persisted and wrote this book with just his eyes. Mike died on Leap Day 2020, working at his computer, writing me a gentle reminder that he had asked me to finish the book if he could not. So, with some help from Mike’s brother, Brian, and a mapmaker named Eric Compas, we finished the writing, collected the photos and coordinated the maps. The final product is a call for action and a warning about the consequences of not doing so. 

Addressing climate change requires more than just words and promises. Neither party is doing enough. The Biden administration, even while acknowledging the impacts of oil and gas drilling, announced in November that it will continue to sell oil and gas leases on large tracts of public land in the American West. Republican opposition in Congress continues to prohibit far-reaching climate change legislation. Nor is the American public unified in demands for action. In spite of reminders nearly every week of the dangers from climate changes in the form of massive fires, droughts, storms, and wild temperature swings, many Americans are blasé about the issue. In a poll last year, Gallup found almost exactly as many people who view the seriousness of climate change as exaggerated (38 percent) as those who see it as underestimated (39 percent). I encourage the 38 percent to go to one of their beloved national parks sometime.

The national parks are wonderful places, where families have bonded, where people have enjoyed some of their greatest experiences, where some have been inspired to do amazing, even death-defying, things. Think of Alex Honnold doing the free solo up Yosemite’s El Capitan in 2017. People plan their vacations around the parks, take photos, collect passport stamps. And they bring millions of dollars into local economies.

The parks are there for all of us. And we own them. No wonder we love them. But now it’s time to take care of them. Nothing guarantees their existence, at least not in the form we find so inspirational. Even while we worry that we are loving the parks to death from excessive use, we are not loving them enough. Perhaps we can heed the compelling words of a dying man and finally take serious actions to protect them as if we do in fact love them. 

William R. Lowry is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at Washington University in St. Louis who long has studied environmental and natural resource policy in the United States. He is the author of Repairing Paradise, The Restoration of Nature in America's National Parks.

Traveler footnote: Requiem for America’s Best Idea – online launch event hosted by Left Bank Books – March 15 at 7pm CT. Register here.

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"Nearly all will disappear from Glacier by 2030."


Yeah, we heard something very similar about the glaciers disappearing from Glacier NP by 2020.  


Pssst...they had to remove the signs!

Let's stop with the hysterics and focus on reality and the pragmatic.




Thank you, Professor Lowry. I could not agree more.

Climate changes.  Always has, always will.  Get used to it and adapt because your aren't going to stop it.  



Climate does change..

Climate change this time is different, which also provides the possibility that the outcome can be modified..

"More than 99.9% of peer-reviewed scientific papers agree that climate change is mainly caused by humans, according to a new survey of 88,125 climate-related studies.

The research updates a similar 2013 paper revealing that 97% of studies published between 1991 and 2012 supported the idea that human activities are altering Earth's climate. The current survey examines the literature published from 2012 to November 2020 to explore whether the consensus has changed.

"We are virtually certain that the consensus is well over 99% now and that it's pretty much case closed for any meaningful public conversation about the reality of human-caused climate change," said Mark Lynas, a visiting fellow at the Alliance for Science and the paper's first author."


Ranger, that 99.9% is total BS.  Go do a little research on the methodology that came up with that number (which was actually 97%).



So much misinformation.  "Climate change" nee' "Global Warming" is "the most successful pseudoscientific hoaz in history."  They use "climate change" because it cannot, as every scientific theory must be, capable of being proven incorrect, which it cannot since, as already argued here, Climate always changes!  Global warming, of course, is a part of that but right now, global temperatures as measured by satellite sit at exactly the average over the last thirty years, and any trend line you draw lies between 0.5 and 1.5 degrees per =Century=, about what it was over the last century and BELOW the low, arbitrary target of the "Paris Accords."  All of this is nonsense, because the real distinction that must be made is between "global warming" and MANMADE global warming.  Doing the math, this theory about fossil fuels being the cause means that we expect to radically alter the weather (over time)) by altering the composition of the atmosphere by about 4 parts per MILLION, when the natural seasonal variation of CO2 is about 4 times that. 

And we love our glaciers, but if you go to Juneau you will see it clearly laid out, that the Mendenhall glacier IS retreating, but it has been doing so for 400 years!  If the US suddenly stopped producing all CO2, including all of us freezing and starving thus not breathing, total temperature difference, according to the computerized climate models (known to be faulty), would be something like 0.1 degrees!  It doesn't matter! Nature is going to do what She is going to do, and the best we can do is live with it, and appreciate it for what it is.  All else is folly.

That math is too complex for me, snochasr. Let's simplify just a bit. 

Human population of the Earth at the time of Christ: 200 million

Population ca. 1500: 500 million

Population 1950: 2 billion

Population 1970: 3 billion

Population 2000: 6 billion

Population 2010: 7 billion

Population 2022: 8 billion

Now, everyone join hands and together sceam CLIMATE CHANGE! Well, yes, but which of us is willing to die first? 

Here's the simple math.  The computerized Climate models (the same ones that are cited as "proving" a "crisis"), asked what would happen if ONLY human CO2 emssions are reduced, says that global temperatures will be reduced by between 0.02 and 0.37 degrees over the next 100 years, depending on how drastic the cuts and how much of the world participates.  Basically unmeasurable.  

Another mathematical approach, simpler, is to consider (numbers approx) that greenhouse gases are 4% of the atmosphere, that CO2 is 4% of that, and that manmade CO2 is 4% of that (ignore that the US is only 20% of that, for now).  SO. since current CO2 is 400 parts per million, manmade CO2 is about 3 parts per =hundred million= of the atmosphere.  Anybody really think that is the "control knob" of global temperatures?  Actual satellite global temperature readings-- showing NO warming this century-- say it's not. 

The problem with all this alarmism is that climate changes to the Parks, and the effects thereof, are totally indistinguishable as to cause-- natural or manmade.  It doesn't matter what you THINK will happen with population, fossil fuels, etc.  What matters is what is ACTUALLY happening, and then acknowledging that it is almost entirely natural; not something we can do something about.  If you have an energy source that is cheaper and more reliable than fossil fuels, and by the way emits less CO2, trot it out here and we will all happily buy it, no mandates needed.  And no guilt if you don't.

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