Ok, burlesque is not normally associated with the National Park System, but there are times...can you name this time and where the photo was taken?
We'll provide all the details tomorrow!
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Was this part of the infamous 2007 Toyota Scion event on Alcatraz event in Golden Gate NRA? Bizarre. Hard to believe it happened just a few years ago.
A rendition of Jail House rock at Alcatraz Island?
Ahhh, we've got some very astute readers out there who are well-wired into what goes on in the National Park System. But we're going to hold back their answers to let some others figure it out....
As to place, I would guess Wolf Trap Farm Park. No Idea as to time.
No, not Wolf Trap.
Is it Alcatraz Island of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area?
Alcatraz Island? (Golden Gate National Recreation Area)