National Park Mystery Photo 50 shows a named structure in a unit of National Park System. If you can state the name of the structure and the national park in which it is located, you will be eligible for our monthly prize drawing.
Remember, this puzzler requires you to state the name of the structure depicted as well as the national park in which it is located.
Check back with Traveler tomorrow for the answer and a list of readers who identified the mystery photo.
No Cheating!
If we catch you engaged in sneakery, we will make you write on the whiteboard 100 times: "Couch potatoes of the world should take comfort in the fact that the man who invented the first wireless TV remote, Zenith engineer Eugene Polley, lived to the ripe old age of 96."
Far View House, Mesa Verde
Not the Far View House at Mesa Verde National Park.
Eric Nelson has nailed it. Wecome to the Winners Circle. Your turn to ice down the champagne.
Mission wall, Alamo
Welcome back to the Winners Circle Club, s. Brunch is ready.
The Alamo in downtown San Antonio is not a National Park Service property, D-cubed.
Good job, Fewkes; you've nailed it. Welcome to the Winners Circle Club. Grab a plate and enjoy the brunch.