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Construction Requiring Closure Of Bandelier National Monument's Tsankawi Unit

Bandelier National Monument will temporarily close its Tsankawi Unit in mid-March 2023 due to extensive construction work. The unit, located north of White Rock, New Mexico, is expected to reopen in late-October. The final closure date will be posted on the park’s website once the construction schedule is finalized.

Op-Ed | Feral Horses Should Be Removed From Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Theodore Roosevelt National Park has proposed eliminating feral horses and domestic livestock from the park. Unlike the fiasco at Point Reyes National Seashore, where the National Park Service appears to support maintaining domestic livestock within the park unit, the staff at Theodore Roosevelt recommends reducing the number of domestic animals to zero. Management of feral horses and domestic cattle across the West has been contentious for decades.

Review | National Park Maps

As nice as those folding park maps you get when driving into a national park are, trying to collect them all and organize them for your road trips can be a challenge, to say the least. sure, you could punch holes in them and organize them in a three-ring binder, but an easier approach to exploring the parks is National Park Maps, a forthcoming atlas of the 63 "national parks."

Volunteering To Cut Invasive Ginger In Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park

In retrospect, three hours doesn’t seem like a particularly impressive amount of time to volunteer to help Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park and the 'āina (land). But as I tackled invasive Himalayan ginger with a lobber one February morning while other visitors made a beeline to the current eruption at Kīlauea volcano or hiked to lava tubes, the repetitive manual labor quickly became addictive and I was sorry when Paul Field insisted it was time to stop.

Georgia Supreme Court Ruling Could End Bid For Spaceport Near Cumberland Island

A Georgia Supreme Court ruling upholding the right of Camden County voters to oppose a land purchase for a commercial spaceport that would send rockets over Cumberland Island National Seashore might have signaled the death knell for the proposal.
PDF icon georgia_supco-camden_spaceport.pdf

BLM Examining Wind Turbine Farm Proposed Near Minidoka National Historic Site

A proposal now open to public comment that could allow for up to 400 wind turbines to be erected between Minidoka National Historic Site and Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve in Idaho raises a question of whether they would intrude on the somber setting at Minidoka, where more than 10,000 Japanese-Americans were incarcerated during World War II.