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"Find A National Park Service Map" Offers A Wealth Of Information For Map Fans

Over the years the National Park Service has developed quite an array of maps for use in park publications and exhibits, and you can access them on a link tucked away on the NPS website. If you're planning a park visit or just enjoy looking at maps, you'll find plenty of material at a link called "Find A National Park Service Map."

Federal Government Asks Court To Dismiss Backcountry Fee Lawsuit At Great Smoky Mountains National Park

A group of backpackers who sued over a fee program instituted at Great Smoky Mountains National Park have failed to show they were harmed by the $4 nightly fees, according to a motion asking that the lawsuit be dismissed.
Image icon GRSM-Motion to Dismiss.pdf

National Trust For Historic Preservation Urges National Park Service To Protect Historic Buildings By Leasing Them

A report from the National Trust for Historic Preservation challenges the National Park Service to be more aggressive in leasing out historic properties in the name of preserving those properties, even if it restricts public access to those properties.