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Death Valley Park Rangers Rescue Hikers At Mosaic Canyon And Wildrose Peak On Same Day

National Park Service (NPS) staff were busy assisting hikers in two separate incidents on Sunday, February 5 at Death Valley National Park. Park rangers carried a woman with a broken leg out of Mosaic Canyon and located a man who had separated from his group on Wildrose Peak Trail.

Exploring Pine Forests And Mangroves In Grand Bahama's National Parks

The first thing I see when I land on Grand Bahama Island is Caribbean pine trees decimated by Hurricane Dorian in 2019. The impossibly tall evergreens line the highway, but all that’s left is their slender, erect trunks. They look naked without their branches and needles. Naked, yet also defiantly still alive.

Bryce Canyon National Park Turning 100

A cave without a ceiling, red rocks standing like men, nature’s most delicate jewel—Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah has been described as many things, and this year the National Park Service will add “100 years old” to that list. To celebrate this historic milestone, the park and its partners are inviting the public to enjoy a year of special programs and events.

National Park Service Grappling With Hazard Trees At Kings Canyon, Sequoia National Parks

Threats to visitors and park infrastructure posed by 12,000-15,000 "hazard trees" burned during the massive KNP Complex fire of 2021 at Kings Canyon and Sequoia national parks but still standing has the National Park Service formulating a plan to deal with them. The agency's preference is to remove tree hazards along roadways and the parks' developed areas within the fire's burn perimeter and then treat fallen debris around infrastructure and within up to 80 feet from the edge of roadways.