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Grizzly Bear Captures For Research Purposes Set To Begin In Yellowstone

As part of ongoing efforts required under the Endangered Species Act to monitor the population of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, biologists with the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) will begin field captures on August 28 and continue through October 31, 2023.

Photography In The National Parks: Plane Lights, Satellites, Meteor Lights

If you’ve ever returned from national park night sky and meteor shower photography, have you noticed lines in the night sky? They might be planes, satellites, or meteors. Can you tell the difference? Traveler contributing photographer Rebecca Latson explains ways to differentiate between the three, as well as how to get night shots and even timelapse videos.

Parks Canada Promises Action With Minister's Round Table

Parks Canada has identified 13 actions it promises to take to help strengthen relationships with Indigenous peoples, green operations, enhance connectivity between protected areas, support the development of diverse, sustainable tourism opportunities across the country, and ensure that everyone can meaningfully experience the natural and cultural heritage places it protects.