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BioBlitz at Biscayne National Park was a Big Success

A 24-hour BioBlitz last weekend at Biscayne National Park was by all measures a great success. Led by more than 200 scientists from around the country, thousands of amateur explorers, families, and schoolchildren from south Florida conducted an inventory of the plants, insects, fish and other creatures that inhabit one of the nation’s largest marine national parks.

Looking At Gulf Islands National Seashore: What's Threatened By Oil Disaster?

Dotted with pristine barrier islands, rich with fisheries and wildlife habitat, and lined with mile after mile after mile of blinding white-sand beaches, Gulf Islands National Seashore is a popular destination for both wildlife and human visitors. Threatening to mar this setting is a slowly growing slick of oil spewing from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

Glacier National Park's Logan Pass Designated as the First "Important Plant Area" in Montana

Choosing a "must see destination" at Glacier National Park would be a difficult task indeed, but one spot high on many people's list would be Logan Pass. That area now has another accolade—the Montana Native Plant Society has named the Logan Pass area as the first "Important Plant Area" designated in the state of Montana.

Crews At Gulf Islands National Seashore Continue To Take Precautions Against Oil

While some barrier islands along the Louisiana coastline were being coated with an oily slick Sunday from the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the barrier islands and mainland shores of Gulf Islands National Seashore still were oil-free, according to the National Park Service.

Is There Good News, Or Bad News, To Relate Concerning the Florida Panther?

Among the pine forests and palmetto thickets of south Florida something of a miracle in wildlife biology has played out during the course of three decades. A creature once thought destined to endure a fate similar to that of the Passenger Pigeon has rebounded and seems poised to move towards a sustainable population.
Image icon Florida Panther Recovery Plan.pdf