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Updated: Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park Reopens Following Temporarily Closure Due to Rockfalls

The Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park is known to travelers from around the world, but even an iconic park hotel has to defer to the forces of nature. The hotel was evacuated Wednesday afternoon after a series of rockfalls. Following a geologic assessment of the area, the hotel is scheduled to reopen Friday afternoon.

Glacier National Park Announces Winding Down of Concession Operations

It's hard to believe, particularly since Labor Day Weekend is a week later than normal this year, but the closing of many concession operations in Glacier National Park isn't that far off. It seemed just yesterday that they finally were able to open the Going-to-the-Sun Road from end-to-end, and now the prospect of snows closing it back down isn't too terribly far off.

Boy Lost in South Africa's Kruger National Park Among Lions, Elephants and More

Kruger National Park in South Africa is one of the world's premier destinations for wildlife watchers. Home to lions, leopards, wild dogs, rhinos, elephants and more, it's also no place to get lost on foot. Unfortunately, that's what happened to a 12-year-old boy who became separated from his family.

Bronze Spike Ceremony Marks Trail Completion at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area

How many hours of hard work by volunteers and student interns does it take to build a trail? In the mountains of Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, the answer is: a lot. Visitors can now enjoy the result, following a ceremony which included the driving of a bronze spike to celebrate completion of the project.

Shock-Synthesized Diamonds Unearthed in Channel Islands Reveal a Death-Dealing Extraterrestrial Impact

Scientists working in Channel Islands National Park have found yet more evidence that an extraterrestrial impact about 12,900 years ago caused the extinction of numerous megafauna in North America and abruptly terminated the Clovis era of human occupancy.