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Delaware Water Gap NRA Developing Strategy For Coping With Historic Structures

What price should the National Park Service place on history? It often is a subjective question, with a wide range of answers. One individual's treasure is another's trash. At Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, officials are working to develop a sound approach to prioritizing more than 500 buildings at the park, with nearly 300 of them listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park: Hard To Reach, Filled With The Unexpected

Chaco Culture National Historical Park is an atypical national park. The massive, thousand-year-old pueblos blend mysteriously into the towering canyon walls. Mystery and curiosity are among the top reasons thousands of visitors make the intentional trek far from paved roads deep into the Navajo Nation.

Biden Administration Seeking Nearly $57 Million For National Park System Land Acquisitions

Preserving historic battlefields, purchasing inholdings, acquiring wildlife habitat, and purchased water rights are among the National Park Service projects the Biden administration wants to tackle with nearly $57 million from the Land and Water Conservation Fund for Fiscal 2022.
PDF icon nps_fy22_lwcf_requests.pdf