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Op-Ed | The Nation's Parks Are At A Crossroads

The United States Senate will soon consider the nominee to be director of the National Park Service. America's Best Idea - the National Park System - is at a crossroads. Return The National Parks To The Tribes demanded an article in Atlantic Magazine on April 12, 2021. The curious title presumes that tribes once had national parks. “Returning the parks” would end the “National Park System.” Here are three reasons why.

Traveler's View: Study Air Tour Management Plans Carefully

Though we had paddled halfway down Yellowstone Lake into an area of Yellowstone National Park that is managed as wilderness and where it would take you a day or more to reach on foot, we hadn't entirely escaped the 21st century. From time to time throughout our five days on the lake the throb of planes fell down upon us from high overhead.

Construction Delays And Crowded Roadside Parking Along Yosemite’s Tioga Road

If you are planning a trip to Yosemite National Park between now through the 2022 visitor season, make sure to pack your patience and carry a Plan B with you, as you might not be able to find any parking for a particular spot, or that particular spot might be totally closed off due to construction and restoration projects around the park.