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National Park Service Has Lost Nearly 50 Percent Of Its Special Agents Since 2000

The National Park Service's loss of special agents over the past 20 years means those who remain will not get involved with “felony investigations of property crimes, and crimes against society such as serious drug-related offenses," according to the agency's associate director for visitor and resource protection.

Parks Canada's Most Memorable Public Toilets Of 2022

Call them what you like — outhouses, pit privies, vault toilets, washrooms, bathrooms or just plain old public toilets. When you spend the year touring Parks Canada's national historic sites and national parks for stories — like I just did — you'll need to use the facilities on a regular basis. And by facilities, I don't mean the "facilitrees" when you're desparate and have to go in the great outdoors, and I don't mean the cush indoor ones with flush toilets found in heated/air-conditioned visitor centers. I mean the standalone ones that aren't always as clean and fragant as you'd like and where you consider yourself lucky if there's a good supply of toilet paper and sanitizer.