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Underwater Archeology Projects in Outer Banks Parks Address Intriguing Questions

Where is the rest of the original English settlement site on Roanoke Island? What more can we learn about the location and condition of German U-boat wrecks along the North Carolina coast? These and other interesting questions are being addressed by underwater archeologists working at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site and Cape Hatteras National Seashore.

Luxury Lodging in Our National Parks

Lodging in America’s national parks ranges from barebones tent cabins to fashionable lodges with upscale amenities. Choose the former and you may well end up with an evening meal of grilled hot dogs, pork and beans, a bag of Fritos, and a six-pack of Bud Light. Splurge on the latter and you could enjoy an evening with a gourmet meal accompanied by fine wine.