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The Overlooked Promise Of The National Trails System

When we think about the National Park System, we don't always think of National Scenic Trails being part of the system, which is a huge mistake. Some of the country's greatest hiking trails are part of the system. Trails such as the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, the Ice Age National Scenic Trail, the North Country National Scenic Trail, even the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail.

A Window To Heaven: The Daring First Ascent Of Denali, America’s Wildest Peak

A Window to Heaven is a valuable addition to the extensive literature on the history of Denali. It is a meticulously researched “window” through which we can gain insight into the unusual man who made the first ascent possible, into the lives of those who joined him on the climb, and into the ways that cultural conflict in early Alaska played in the ascent and its aftermath.