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Are Wolves Effective In Keeping Elk From Overbrowsing Aspen in Yellowstone National Park? Apparently Not

When wolf packs were successfully returned to Yellowstone National Park back in the mid-1990s, they were followed by droves of scientists and researchers keen on learning how the predators might impact the rest of the park's wild kingdom.

Water Safety for Hikers Featured in New Podcast from the Great Smoky Mountains Association

A podcast about water safety might sound like a project from a park located on the beach rather than in the mountains, but there are good reasons for a new free video offered by the Great Smoky Mountains Association. Here's where you can view "Water Safety and Day Hiking"—and why everyone who enjoys the out-of-doors should see it.

Another Week Added to Transmission Line EIS Comment Period at Delaware Water Gap NRA

Another week has been added to collect public comment on a study into a proposal to substantially upgrade a transmission power corridor that crosses the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, and the Middle Delaware National Scenic and Recreational River.

Consider a Donation to Help The Traveler Remain On-Line With Its Daily Dose Of National Park Coverage

If the Traveler has enabled you to follow the search-and-rescue mission at Katmai National Park, or provided you with news on the workplace survey concerning the National Park Service, or helped you learn about efforts to create a new international park on the U.S.-Russian border, we'd like your help.

Climate Change Report Carries Foreboding Forecast for Shenandoah National Park, Historic Jamestown

Imagine Shenandoah National Park without its autumnal showcase of colors, or a sign along the Virginia coastline noting that the site of the Jamestown colony is offshore and under water. Both scenarios could be realized in less than a century if human-influenced climate change isn't slowed, according to a report.

Poll Shows Maine Residents Support Creation of National Park, Sustainable Logging From the North Woods

Polling conducted for the National Parks Conservation Association shows Maine residents overwhelmingly would prefer to see their state's "North Woods" preserved as "parkland" and sustainable timbering rather than dotted with vacation homes.