While there are many long-distance hikes you can take in Joshua Tree National Park, sometimes the heat can just be too much. But even if it's the middle of the day, a stroll down the Cholla Cactus Garden path is well-worth your time to learn about these curious cacti.
A geologic showcase that is a climber's gymnasium, plus two different desert settings, are on display in Joshua Tree National Park. Straddling the geographic divide that splits the Mojave Desert from an element of the Sonoran Desert, the park located about two hours east of Los Angeles in Southern California is both a day tripper's paradise and an adventurer's escape.
Chollas are some of the most beautiful, and most painful, cacti that you'll come across in Joshua Tree National Park. Visit the park's Cholla Cactus Garden and you can walk among hundreds of them. Just keep your distance, as the slightest touch will send one of their spines into your flesh.
National Park Week arrived in Southern California with hot, dry, sunny weather, and a volunteer effort indicative of the good that can be done for national parks when the need is demonstrated.
By the end of the century, possibly sooner, a hotter climate likely will wipe out Joshua trees from 90 percent of their current range, which includes Joshua Tree National Park, according to U.S. Geological Survey researchers.
Though the U.S. Supreme Court has shown no desire to consider whether the country's largest garbage dump should be allowed next to Joshua Tree National Park, that decision doesn't necessarily end the project.
If you've ever sat back in El Capitan Meadow in Yosemite National Park to watch climbers ascending that massive granite wall from which the meadow takes its name, odds are you never noticed the "hundreds" of fixed anchors climbers have over the years drilled into that monolith. And yet, they're there.
Sorry guys, this offer isn't for you...unless you want to treat your wife, girlfriend, or sister to a "women only" guided trek through some of the West's national park landscapes.
Deserts are fascinating places, but they also can be harsh and deadly if you're not prepared. With that in mind, a series of programs coming to Desert Institute at Joshua Tree National Park next month can give you the information and tools to enjoy, and survive, the desert.
A review of how Congress acted on wilderness legislation shows that the National Park System benefited quite nicely during the 111th session, but it could have fared better.