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North Cascades National Park

National Park Service Working With IUCN To Bolster National Park Protection World-Wide

Though the national park movement is more than a century old, efforts are ongoing to support that movement and enhance the protection of national park lands globally. Recently the National Park Service bolstered those efforts by agreeing to work with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature on the support of parks and other protected areas world-wide.

National Park Service Issues 5-Year "Call To Action" Plan For Moving Toward Its Second Century

A more expansive, and inclusive, National Park System, stronger educational outreach, and a revised approach for managing today's natural and cultural resource challenges are among goals laid out in a blueprint for leading the National Park Service into its second century.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Agrees Whitebark Pines Need Help From Climate Change, But Will Have To Wait

Whitebark pine trees, a foundation species that grows high in the upper reaches of parks such as Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Glacier, Yosemite, and Kings Canyon, is in need of Endangered Species Act protection from climate change, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Image icon FWS-Whitebark Pine Finding.pdf

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