Geological mapping requires a high level of skill in Earth science, willingness to go into remote wilderness areas and endure rugged conditions, patience, perseverance, and curiosity. Today, mapping is aided by satellite and airborne data, and an ability to drive close to most areas of geological interest. But imagine being a geological mapper in the 1870s!
With its home territory squeezed hard up against the northern boundary of Yellowstone National Park, the Phantom Lake wolf pack ran into a slaughterhouse when it roamed into southern Montana.
More than 100 bison from Yellowstone National Park were transferred to the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana in January, marking the greatest transfer of bison to the tribes so far and bringing to nearly 300 the number of bison that have gone to the Assiniboine and Sioux tribes at the reservation.
Volcano observatories operate in many countries and are responsible for monitoring and communicating the hazards posed by active volcanism. Several organizations help with the transfer of knowledge between scientists and the emergency managers who are responsible for preparedness, response, and mitigation.
A decision Friday by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to reconsider whether grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem need Endangered Species Act protection was heavily criticized by conservation groups.
It’s a problem that’s been coming for quite some time, and one that really comes as no surprise. The large landscape national parks that are home to many species of wildlife have been turning into biological islands as development hems them in. You can look back to 1993 when the Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative launched to begin to see the discussion around opening up these parks through migratory corridors.
The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone is not just a spectacular geologic feature. It also provides a glimpse into the interior of a Yellowstone lava flow, and a window into the conditions that exist beneath Yellowstone’s iconic thermal areas.
Every photographer has favorite images from visits to National Park System units. Continuing a 2015 tradition with the Traveler, contributing photographer Rebecca Latson offers up 10 of her favorite images captured over the course of 2022, explaining why she likes each image and how she got the shots.