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Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve

Alaska Governor Sends "Priority List" To Trump Transition Team

Permitting the Ambler Road through Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve; giving the state of Alaska control over fish and wildlife, including within National Park System units; and discarding the National Park Service's practice of managing lands "eligible" for wilderness as official wilderness are among the requests Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy has made to President-elect Donald Trump's transition team.
PDF icon 11.15.24-trump-transition-team-alaska-letter.pdf PDF icon alaska-federal-transition-plan.pdf

National Park Service Adopts New Rule Concerning Bear Baiting In Alaska Preserves

The National Park Service has adopted a new regulation pertaining to bear baiting in national preserves in Alaska, a rule that bans the practice for sport hunting but allows it for subsistence hunts focused on putting food on the table.
PDF icon nps_ak_hunting_trapping_final_rule1.pdf

Alaska Congressional Delegation Wants Bear-Baiting In National Preserves

Alaska's congressional delegation, arguing that the National Park Service's move to prohibit bear-baiting in national preserves in the state isn't supported by science and violates congressional intent, wants Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to block the agency's effort.
PDF icon 8_23_colleague_letter_on_ak_national_preserves.pdf PDF icon 02.28.2023_alaska_delegation_letter_on_nps_hunting_and_trapping_rule.pdf

Searching For Glaciers In The National Parks

It’s no secret glaciers are retreating due to global warming trends. Different federal agencies have set up glacial monitoring programs to track these changes in the national parks. But don’t fret about a total disappearance of glaciers just yet. There are national parks in both the U.S. and Canada where you can still see, and even stand on, a glacier.

Time Running Out To Comment On Plan To Liberalize Predator Hunting Regs In Alaska Preserves

Little more than a week remains to comment on an environmental assessment the National Park Service has written to ease back on protections for predators in national preserves in Alaska. The Park Service's latest position is a wholesale reversal from where it stood in 2015 when it pushed back against Alaska's requests to allow for the killing of more wolves and bears from national preserves and refused to back down.

NPS: Weakening Hunting Regs In National Preserves In Alaska Shouldn't Hurt Wolf, Bear Populations

National Park Service staff, who have been asked to relax sport hunting regulations for wolves and bears in national preserves in Alaska, are relying on the state of Alaska's position that increased hunting of the predators will not have an overall impact on their populations. But the regulatory changes likely would reduce opportunities for wildlife viewing and degrade wilderness character in the preserves, the Park Service adds in an assessment of the rule changes.
PDF icon ak_sport_hunting_and_trapping_regs_ea_september_2018.pdf

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