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Glacier National Park

UPDATE| Interior Department: More Than Quarter-Billion To Be Spent On National Park Infrastructure

More than a quarter-billion dollars has been committed this fiscal year to address National Park System infrastructure needs as diverse as critical bridge repairs, sewer system fixes, and trail work deep underground. But the list of projects, and their costs, released Wednesday by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke raised questions concerning funding sources and approved projects.

Interior Considering Removal Of Glacier National Park Grizzlies From Endangered Species List

Interior Department officials, who support the recovery of grizzly bears in the North Cascades ecosystem but are being sued for moving to remove Yellowstone ecosystem grizzlies from Endangered Species Act protections, are calling for a review into whether Northern Continental Divide grizzlies should be removed from the Endangered Species List, a move that would affect Glacier National Park's bears.

Photography In The National Parks: Capturing Texture, Pattern, And Color In Your Compositions

Contributing photographer Rebecca Latson wants you to focus your powers of observation on the properties of texture, pattern, and color that you see in your viewfinder. Rebecca offers five techniques that she uses when photographing compositions focusing on any and all of these properties found within a national park.

A Day In The Park: Glacier National Park

Amid a field of wildflowers and a backdrop of peaks framing the Continental Divide, the goateed mountain goats were the center of attention. While a handful of bighorns dealt with the June day's heat by relaxing in a waning snowfield, and grizzlies were deep in the backcountry, the iconic ambassadors of Glacier National Park were true posers for those following the trail to Hidden Lake.

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