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Restoring The Hole-In-The-Donut At Everglades National Park

Jan 20th - 09:37am | Anonymous

The farms were acquired when the land became part of the park.

Jan 18th - 22:47pm | Anonymous

What happened to the tomato farming?  Why was it stopped?  Who or what made that happen? The closing statement makes the whole article a bit "oxymoronical"... Sounds like personally subjective ratification & extermination.  Who are you to:  decree  your philosophy is fact.- (much less)implement these changes ?

Transatlantic Rescue Mission Returns Endangered Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Home

Jan 20th - 08:00am | Charles W. Cail...

Regarding U.S. Senate Bill S.2086 - Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance and Rehabilitation Act of 2023, 118th Congress (2023-2024)

Minus 148 Degrees: First Winter Ascent Of Mount McKinley

Jan 18th - 14:16pm |

I was a Staff Sergeant, the Flight Operations Non Commissioned Officer at the Artic Test Center at Fort Greely in the Delta Junction area in 1967/1968.  I was responsible for scheduling flights for the command.  Upon being advised of a possible rescue mission on Mt McKinley, the weather  was a factor in delaying the mission and required hourly monitoring before finally launcing the rescue missi

Runner Who Was Denied Grand Teton Speed Record Now Facing Charges

Jan 17th - 02:38am | bbn0305

This article leads the reader to believe Michelino stomped on living flora and fauna. This was not the case at all. I'm not advocating for or condoning his route, but this was a hard-packed trail where no work has been done for regrowth in over a decade. 

Jan 8th - 17:41pm | Runner dude

This is a tough one. Yes, he cut the switch back, but it was very poorly signed and it seems totally unnecessary to go after him with this level of charge. At the most, give him a citation, use his platform and his offer to help promote & rehabilitate, and move on.

Gone Missing In The National Parks

Jan 16th - 15:18pm | J. Karabelas

Should these parks even be open to the public if you cant find missing people, over a hundred years and noone knows where the bodies go.  It sounds dangerous to just let families get lost and die and act like its a normal Sunday, its not right its putting money before your own fellow man, sad and disgusting.

Essay: The Proposed Ambler Mine And Road And Its Implications

Jan 14th - 16:25pm | d-2

George and Snochasr and, I guess Kurt too:   some observations George has some truth to his view that the Ambler Industrial Mining Road was a condition of passage Of Jimmy Carter's law creating so many parks, wildlife refuges, National Forest WildErnest's, and National Wild Rivers

Rangers Kill Black Bear That Might Have Killed Man Poaching Ginseng In Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Jan 7th - 23:51pm | Jaide

AGREED 100%. Thank you for publishing this. I'm sick of people wandering into animal areas and then killing the animals because the animals were, well, BEING WILD ANIMALS. 

Recreation.Gov Lawsuit Withdrawn

Jan 7th - 12:01pm | DENNIS KOHLER

Maybe with a new government this rip-off company will be gone!! They are dealing with the Government ( PUBLIC ) which means open records need to be opened up !!! I have been try for 3 years to go to Glacier NP without any success. getting up at 5 o'clock, logging in and at 8:00 hit the button and it comes back unavailable. It is just Bullshit and needs to go away.

Only One Signature Will Be Allowed On America The Beautiful National Parks Passes

Jan 5th - 11:34am | AnjanB

Absolutely the worst decision making by NPS. Someone needs to reverse this policy or get fired for this ridiculous decision. 

Dec 21st - 15:00pm | Aide

I'm really disappointed. I bought the pass at a park entrance. My husband was driving and he signed. Six months later we came to the same park. The entry kiosk was closed. I went to a visitor center while my hus went on a hike. The visitor center would not accept the pass because it had my husband's name and not mine.

PEER: NPS Remains Plagued By Low Morale, Rising Attrition

Jan 3rd - 12:29pm | Alf Doten

I've been retired from the NPS for more than 20 years and I would have to say bullying and harrassment were at the top list. At one point in our careers my wife and I worked in the same park (different supervisors, locations, work, etc.) After several years she transfered to the BLM to save her sanity. She found it a much more dedicated and receptive work environment.

Photography In The National Parks: Mount Rainier

Dec 22nd - 11:06am | Stuiterbal

thanks, I like these writeups and pictures per park

A Hell Of A Place: The Devil's Role In National Park Place Names

Dec 19th - 14:27pm | JP

I fully agree! My kids and I feel very uncomfortable visiting places named for the devil. How do we go about changing this? Is there a petition process we can participate in?

Government Seeks To Dismiss Lawsuit Over National Park Service's Cashless Policy

Dec 19th - 10:00am | Management

Those are also going away, as the rules for cash handling tighten up. Cash donation boxes now require the same security systems as entrance stations, and anyone handling the money needs a fee background investigation. It is not cost effective to spend 10s of thousands of dollars on security cameras for a cash box that brings in $500 a year, not to mention the added personnel costs.

Dec 18th - 17:42pm | Sequoian

You can't help but notice the cash donation boxes in visitor centers in many if not most cashless NPS locales.

Dec 17th - 13:57pm | Randy Turner

Cash-less fees should be in addition to cash not instead of cash. I understand the processing fee is approximately 3% per transaction. Friday night in New York there were long lines at several check cashing locations for lower income workers without or with liimted bank accounts or credit cards. Perhaps some might visit NPS sites that charge fees.

Dec 17th - 08:04am | Loui

An important lawsuit which appears to be on the precipice of failing.  Please continue to keep us informed.

Dec 17th - 07:09am | chris...

I can only hope this corrupt period of the NPS will come to an end at some point.  the idea that legal tender is somehow not accepted at a government agency that produces and insures such legal tender is quite frankly absurd. 

Dec 17th - 06:20am | Anonymous

Absolutely crazy 

Interior Designates 19 New National Historic Landmarks

Dec 18th - 07:31am | chris...

When I was a seasonal trail worker in Yosemite my wage came from private donations.  In fact EVERY seasonal trail worker in Yosemite was and - and as far as I am aware- still is funded through private donation.  ONLY the term and full time positions are and or were funded with actual govt money.  

Alaska Poised To Resume Aerial Shooting Of Wolves And Bears

Dec 17th - 23:09pm | Anonymous

Aerial shooting is execution and a cull; it's not our human place to intervene and play God in the determination of what animals need population control.  Fod and Mother Nature and science will regulate the popuaions in a natural way without out barbaric and inhumane interference.  Reducing the wolves to a poppilation of 35 in the middle of winter will decimate the wolf population.

Dec 17th - 09:46am | Anonymous

Human brutalitality know no limits. These managers want to play god. Where is their scientific, let alone anecdotal proof this works. Why do I nice t animal need to always die instead of other methods to be utilized to either raise prey POPULATIONS (better) or perhaps relocate to predators. You kill off members of social organizations. Nature takes out the weak. Man hunts for the trophies.

Dec 14th - 20:53pm | Anonymous

If the predator population is not called to a reasonable amount for the area, these animals will die of starvation, which is a much more cruel way of dying for them. I support the game management operations to bring the population of predators back to a normal doable amount, even if it does Cut down on the sightseeing tours of tourism.

Dec 14th - 18:27pm | chris... to clarify this is what I was referecing- "subsistance" hunting. 

Dec 14th - 13:39pm | Justin Lindberg

Occasional sport hunting by citizens has nothing to do with the wholesale slaughter of big game by corrupt cops and professional hunters. And no we are not as poor as you assume.

Dec 14th - 08:27am | Public Land Owner

Please note that the planned killings referenced in this article are dwarfed by The coordinated slaughter of other wildlife you and I pay our federal government to commit on our behalf so we can have cheap subsidized meat.

Dec 14th - 08:04am | chris...

In the lower 48 you work for your food- you dont just get to go hunt it.  If the area is not habitable for the people there than the effort should be made to move to where you can live.  The govt is not in the business of making the outdoors an ideal place for you to harvest food to make your life easier.  In fact the govt could care less.  It why we have so many homeless.  

Dec 14th - 06:34am | Justin Lindberg

Grown men are discharging firearms from airborne vehicles.

Dec 14th - 04:23am | A Elliott

As an Alaska resident, I am in full support of this. Forgive me for putting the needs of Alaskan families to feed their children ahead of people from the lower 48 wanting to take a photo and check one more thing off the vacation bucket list. This has nothing to do with money or hunting for trophies. Alaska is simply trying to rebuild a caribou herd that has been decimated by predators.

Dec 14th - 00:29am | Noainc

The interior of Alaska has historically had a very low population of people due to the lack of ungulates (moose, caribou and sheep) caused primarily by wolf and bear predation. Families were very large, with 12 to 15 children as only a handful survived childhood. 

Dec 14th - 00:18am | Rita OBrien

As a life long Native Alaskan, it would be wise to open the area up for trapping & hunting.  People are busy, making a living & caring for their families in the cities, so it's unlikeky to draw many folks  to go trapping for 2 weeks to 3 months, unless you want to lose your day job.  Remote cabins are needed to be built by trappers...

Dec 13th - 18:21pm | Ralph

Kill the wildlife, and you kill humanity. There is a balance to the ecosystem. We're already imbalanced. Don't perpetuate the issue further with this illogically-minded approach.  

Dec 13th - 17:29pm | Benjamin

Wow your going to allow people to kill animals in the name of the all mighty dollar. Alaska you truly amaze me . These bears and wolves have more of a right to be here then so called humans ,if it was for food it might be different but certainly not to kill from helicopters or snow machines . BTW Who is actually the human in this case

Dec 13th - 17:28pm | Mike Murray

Apart from animal welfare concerns, there is ample evidence, including studies published by former ADFG biologists, that the State's aerial shooting of bears and wolves is generally NOT effective at increasing the numbers of caribou and moose for harvest. It is noteworthy that the Board of Game does not include any scientists among its board members.

Dec 13th - 15:19pm | John Hacker

I think those who are most in favor are those that find pleasure in killing these beautiful animals just for the thrill of killing them. Pathologic. Animals taken for food or clothing is an act where we give thanks yo our Creator for these provisions. Sure, if there is a rogue predator seeking out humans to attack/ kill them, then its it is necessary to hunt and kill it.

Dec 13th - 14:17pm | Jani

This is barbaric and should not be an option 

Dec 13th - 12:57pm | Anonymous

Why must humans always think we know best?  Honestly, havent we learned by now that mother nature was put together perfectly from the beginning.  All things working together perfectly.   Remember when the US government eradicated wolves from Yellowstone in the 1920's?  For the exact same reason?    The adverse effects were profound and devastating!  It took years to understand the impact not on

Dec 13th - 11:34am | A. Johnson

I would defer to the trained experts in AK who are on the ground and are fully aware of the ncecessity of this predator control.   PEER has no professional basis for questioning this proposal.   As noted in the proposal, enlisting hunters using "traditional" hunting practices has been ineffective.

Dec 13th - 11:20am | Lori

Makes me sick to my stomach. People are incredibly cruel to think this is a good idea. I go to Alaska every summer and spend a lot of money frequenting areas in the hopes of seeing wildlife, bears and wolves top the list. I would hate to have to vacation somewhere else where all wildlife lives matter. 

Dec 13th - 07:44am | chris....

Yeah... this is barbaric and foolish.  Increase legal hunting permits if there is an overpopulation.  And by legal- I mean on the ground hunting in a traditional manner.  No heli or snowmobile shooting

Frances Perkins National Monument Established To Honor First Woman To Serve In Presidential Cabinet

Dec 17th - 16:01pm | Kurt Repanshek

A.J., you have commented negatively at least a few times about tribal interests in the park system and agreements they've signed, and you've been critical of NPS efforts to recruit more women. In some of your posts you've denigrated others whose comments you've disagreed with.

Dec 17th - 15:31pm | A. Johnson

"the importance of the narrative being preserved."   Well gee, if the narrative is to be preserved (the preservation of which I did not oppose...of course), maybe the narative should be factual?  No?    

Dec 17th - 13:44pm | Kyle

My point about bringing up the new designation wasn't to prove you wrong but to provide context. It was to provide the foundation for my argument as to why the elevation to a National Monument status matters.

Dec 17th - 13:37pm | chris...

When the NPS does not pay for the upkeep of the current parks and monuments it has then it has no place creating more lands and monuments to mis manage.  You actually have to fix the parks we have, then perhaps we could add more This is likely just another source of revenue for the govt entitity recreation gov.  a for profit entity

Dec 17th - 11:32am | A. Johnson

#1.  I never claimed that the site was a NPS prior to its designation as a nat'l monument.  (this is known as a strawman argument)  My point was why nat'l historical site status was insufficient.  Your suggestions of an economical benefit to the local community is speculative at best, particularly in light of the counter-balancing cost of the federal gov't owning, staffing, and maintaining the

Dec 17th - 08:08am | Kyle

1. The home wasn't an NPS unit prior to yesterday. Because of the new designation, it brings a new and broader awareness to the site. It will provide resources to the site and name recognition that it didn't have prior. Lastly, it will be a benefit to the local economy. 

Dec 16th - 18:43pm | A. Johnson

Sec'y Perkins' Maine jhome  was already designated a nat'l historical site; why the need to make it a nat'l monument?   This comment was edited to remove a gratuitous comment.--Ed.

Eastern Hellbender Proposed For ESA Protections By U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service

Dec 15th - 12:26pm | A.J. Boone

To submit a comment to the Fish & Wildlife Service about this proposed ESA listing go to and enter docket # FWS-R3-ES-2024-0152. A vote for these critters is a vote for clean, safe water and healthy fisheries.

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