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Grizzly Bear 399 Killed In Vehicle Collision In Wyoming

Oct 23rd - 19:04pm | Dee K

Absolutely agree

Oct 23rd - 18:57pm | MsMoniac

Couldn't agree more with KGS365. Driver must have been going way too fast to not see this massive animal in time to avoid a fatal collision. Too bad law enforcement wasn't there. 

Oct 23rd - 18:14pm | Karianne Newton

Humans are the only animal overpopulating this earth, and destroying it in the process.

Oct 23rd - 17:21pm | Anonymous

This breaks my heart!  She was a legend, for sure

Oct 23rd - 16:25pm | David from Muskogy

She contributed an over abundance of bears to an already over populated population in the greater Yellowstone ecosyste. But she did offer the public plenty of viewing pleasure in her time. 

Oct 23rd - 16:21pm | john928gt

Have you been to Grand Teton? How would this suttle bus work there? By the way she was killed outside the park. "Grizzly 399, the most famous bear in the world, died Tuesday night after being hit by a vehicle on Highway 26/89 in the Snake River Canyon"

Oct 23rd - 16:16pm | Anonymous

Not a bad idea at all

Oct 23rd - 16:04pm | KumGetSum365

I thing the person should be cited for speeding I can guarantee they were speeding through there

Oct 23rd - 15:57pm | Anonymous

This wasnt in the park....

Oct 23rd - 15:53pm | Abby Baber

Long live the Queen ?

Oct 23rd - 15:40pm | Anonymous

I wish they did make it where travel is by shuttle so things like this don't happen.  Bear 399 was a well liked Bear and people enjoyed following it's history and family in the wild.  This is such a tragic event and shouldn't have happen!  People need to be more careful and realize what they have around them that if taken by accidents they have lost a great historic Bear for others to watch and

Oct 23rd - 15:00pm | Kev

They need to ban private cars in national parks and install shuttle bus systems

Is National Park Lodging Becoming Unaffordable For Average Americans?

Oct 23rd - 18:44pm | Living in the parks

Can we address how expensive it is for the employees to live in the parks!  Its a benefit for the government not the employee.

Oct 18th - 19:28pm | lou

If a lodging facility is only open 3 months of the year, then they only have 3 months of expenses to operate it.  Barring major repairs.  So why would you allow a concessionaire to price the service/lodging to get a year of profits?  And why would demand for a limited number of rooms necessarily increase the price for it.  There are still only x number of rooms to fill.  This looks more like go

Oct 17th - 01:10am | A Parks Traveler

One of the parks that seems to strike the right balance is Mt. Rainier. I stayed at the Paradise Inn (a historic lodge in the heart of the park) and paid approximately $200 per night, plus tax.

Oct 16th - 12:55pm | Eddy Armstrong

The lodging  costs are in line or cheeper with other recreational activities.  The national park  annual pass that is unlimited us for two people for 12 months is $30 .   Two good Tickets for a college football game are $1,200  , plus lodging is two night minimum at $600 a night .   The free entry for national parks  allow accessibility.  The lodging fee was just as expensive in he 60s and 70s

Oct 16th - 12:06pm | A. Johnson

Great article.   But, I'm still wiling to sleep on the ground in a tent to save money.  Maybe that'll change in 10-20-30 years--a small camper unit would be the next step ...before a cabin or lodge room.   It sure does seem like the choices are narrowing based on cost.

The National Parks' Lodging Problem

Oct 23rd - 18:17pm | Jason

Has anyone here used a service like to help them get a room? They say that they can help you get reservations at sold-out national park lodges and claim success but I'm just wondering if that's a good option to get a room as well.

Concerns Raised Over National Park Service's "Tribal Co-Stewardship Playbook"

Oct 23rd - 13:13pm | Loui

What's the opposite of "Relatively Harmless?  This document represents an abandonment of basic democratic principles and sound land management policies for rank favoritism towards a historically maltreated demographic.  The abandonment of science for social science.

Oct 23rd - 12:02pm | Anonymous

From a ranger in the Four Corners, couldn't have said it any better. 

Oct 22nd - 10:06am | JC

As someone who has and continues to work in parks, I see many of these concerns as very overblown. Yes, there should be transparency, and yes, full co-management requires legal action from Congress. But those actions listed in this draft document are relatively small steps, many of which have been taken by parks for decades and have resulted in really only positive consequences.

Padre Island National Seashore Proposing Removal Of Swine And Exotic Antelope

Oct 23rd - 12:37pm | Christopher D W...

Is there any way we can get some of the meat from them to get. Instead of letting it go to waste I can sure use some right now. Time are hard and that would help a lot. Thank you God bless 

Legislation For Rescue, Rehabilitation, Release Of Sea Turtles Languishing

Oct 23rd - 07:16am | Anonymous

A Call for Evaluation of the Contribution Made by Rescue, Resuscitation, Rehabilitation, and Release Translocations to Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) Population Recovery. 2016. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11:486-496.

The Lions Of Kruger — Perhaps Africa’s Most Voracious Man-Eaters

Oct 22nd - 13:30pm | Anonymous

Good morning, too many typos in this to mention. Sub standard for NPT. (Mark also appears to cite naturalists and nature writers rather than wildlife biologists, and the piece seems to skew toward the traditional subjective "fearsome beast of wild Africa ethos" rather than NPT's more scientific approach, but as a South African expat that might just be my perosnal observation.

Readers Agree National Park Lodging Prices Can Be Prohibitive

Oct 22nd - 13:20pm | Larry

In order to have a global perspective on the costs associated with enjoying offerings in our national parks be they lodging, dining or tours a look at increasingly expensive franchise fees the park service demands must be considered.

Yellowstone's Ebbing Nuphar Lake

Oct 22nd - 09:24am | A. Johnson


Remains Of Man Who Went Missing At Mesa Verde National Park Found

Oct 21st - 15:38pm | Witchtwo

I am so sorry for your families loss. june 9th is my birthday so Dale's story on "Vanished" on the History Channel with Dave Paulides really hit me. I understand this was not a serious hike he went on, just a quick trip down a very busy trail. It seems like you picked up on the strangeness of the area. There is a lot of high strangeness in the area and I think your brother became part of it.

Runner Who Was Denied Grand Teton Speed Record Now Facing Charges

Oct 21st - 13:16pm | ecbuck

Just do it right - no matter your expectations. 

Oct 21st - 12:49pm | A. Johnson

Mmmm...who hasn't cut a switchback?   But, not many of us were sponsored for thousands of dollars or publicized our exploits for the NPS to review.   Lesson:  if you expect or desire publicity, Just Do It....right.    

Jemez Pueblo’s Rights To Occupy Banco Bonito In The Valles Caldera National Preserve Recognized By Interior

Oct 21st - 12:27pm | Bandelierman

Not clear what these legalistic terms mean on the ground. Use, occupy and poseses sounds to me like the lands are no longer public and will now be owned by the Pueblo. Will they close them to the public and to the Park Service? The NPS has invested millions in forest management in that area. Will the Pueblo build structures or commercial buildings? Not at all clear.

Grand Canyon Ranger Honored With Harry Yount Award

Oct 19th - 00:13am | Christi Sorrell

Heck yes Della! When others are losing it, you are the lead command of reason, compassion, wise authority and direction to level chaos back to balance. All while setting the example to remind everyone to love the moments they have in THE CANYON!

Hiking Victim in Grand Canyon National Park Apparently Died From Heat

Oct 17th - 08:26am | Whitney G.

Yes, I agree about the group separating! If you start together as a group then you have taken on the responsibility of every person in that group. Someone needed to take the time to make sure he made it back safely. I think, "Come on, the man feels sick, assist your friend back to safety." Never separate while on hikes, I give this advice to my children all the time.

Investigation: Multiple Errors Contributed To Death Of Mount Rainier National Park Climbing Ranger

Oct 16th - 18:32pm | Anonymous

rip nick hall

Mount Rainier Is Shrinking According To New Measurements

Oct 16th - 17:29pm | A. Johnson

My god, I did not know how complicated measuring mountains is! Not as exciting as "Mt. Rainier is shrinking".  

Oct 16th - 12:11pm | A. Johnson

I didn't realize that the heights of mountains included any ice buildup.   Is this standard?

Oct 16th - 11:56am | G Schrock, PLS

Be wary of the 'shrinking' narrative. The land surveyor's association of Washington has performed multiple measurements since 1989, plus lidar confirms that this is not the case. What some journalists overlook is that the elevation for the mountain has been published in different datums: NGVD29 and NAVD88; which contributes to the confusion.

PEER: NPS Remains Plagued By Low Morale, Rising Attrition

Oct 15th - 15:24pm | Former NPS Employee

Left the NPS do to the NE Regional Office and multiple parks in the NE committing Federal and State level crimes, nepotism by the Regional Director (handing her husband a Superintendent position w/o conducting any interviews for equally if not more qualified candidates), lack of support from the regional office as well as the verbal and sexual harrassment that I saw first hand at several parks

Wrangell-St. Elias To Hold Public Hearing Re: Tolsona's Request For Resident Community Status

Oct 15th - 14:08pm | lou

I agree.  Subsistence hunting can turn into chasing caribou on snowmobiles until they drop, and using high powered guns that shoot more than one bullet in quick succession.  If they want to do subsistence hunting like in the "good old days" then they need to live that way.  The truth is they want it both ways.  How much land in Alaska was already designated for native corporations?  On which th

Oct 13th - 17:32pm | A. Johnson

There is no longer any need for any one or any group to be engaged in "subsistence hunting" or other destructive activities in our national parks or preserves.  None.  It's been 30-40-50 yeats: there is no longer any NEED to engage in these actiivtiies in our national parks in Alaska.   There is plenty of BLM, state, and non-NPS federal  lands in Alaska to  hunt, etc.  

Toxic Algal Blooms Challenging National Parks

Oct 15th - 13:24pm | Doug

Over the last 20 years, HABs became a world wide phenonomon. Most frightening is the fact that there are many, many waterways that never bloomed that now bloom every summer. I live on the cleanest Finger Lake in upstate NY, also one of the cleanest lakes in the county.

National Park Service To Invest $255 Million In Local Parks

Oct 15th - 00:22am | Anonymous

It would be nice if the Top level of the National Park Service tour their own parks to see where improvements could be made, There really should be more level 5, 6 and 7 perm jobs, not just seasonal in the cities throughout the states.  The National Park Service needs to hire more permanet workers.   

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Marking John Brown's Raid

Oct 14th - 09:36am | A. Johnson

It's important to note tht John Brown was quickly convicted and hanged by the government for his actions at Harpers Ferry.   One wonders how long it will take for the NPS to commemorate Ruby Ridge or the Waco Massacre as more examples of government overreach?  In America, one generation's treason is another's heroism. 

UPDATE | Yellowstone Search-And-Rescue Launched For Missing Backcountry Traveler

Oct 13th - 12:55pm | chris...

At night and likely following his phone's GPS as far as it would go.  They should start at the peak at the same time at night and follow their phones GPS (with same company) and go as far as the signal takes them.  From there follow the drainage points and he might be found if they go far enough.  What a sad outcome for such a young man. condonlences to the family 

Theodore Roosevelt National Park Plans To Move Ahead With Smaller Horse Relocation Plan

Oct 10th - 17:57pm | Anonymous

We have concerns about mares being hand injected with GonaCon. This is likely to = the mares never regaining fertility, this must be why the hand injections. This will have a huge, negative impact on the genetics of the herd.

Oct 10th - 17:52pm | Anonymous

"the management of horses and cattle has taken an increasing amount of our staff time and park resources as well, which compromises our ability to prioritize our natural ecosystem," she said." But the horses are not managed as such. They are left to manage themselves. 

UPDATE | Ranger Dies In Boating Accident At Voyageurs National Park

Oct 9th - 17:51pm | A. Johnson

God's rest, Ranger Grossheim.

Another U.S. Senator Has Questions About Recreation.Gov, Pushes For Investigation

Oct 9th - 14:03pm | Fred looks to be another example of an incumbent contractor (Booz Allen Hamilton) responding to a government bid process which is required to find the lowest cost bidder.  As BAH already runs the site, they have the catbird seat, and little to no incentive to improve.  Any competitor has a huge hurdle to displace BAH.

Zion Lodge's Iconic Cottonwood Tree Might Be Nearing Its End

Oct 9th - 10:29am | J Lew

It would be nice if the park takes that opportunity to relandscape that whole lawn area into something more natural and appropriate to the canyon. 

UPDATE | More National Parks In Florida, Georgia Close As Hurricane Milton Grows

Oct 8th - 19:42pm | Stephen Kibbey

I'm from the Tampa Bay area and the Bradention/Manatee area, in which DeSoto National Memorial is located, is about to get creamed again by Hurricane Milton. I wonder if the NPS (and the Congress) will authorize the funds to repair the Memorial (if there is anything left) given the controversial nature of DeSoto's expeditionj?

A Tale Of Cabins In The National Parks

Oct 8th - 18:06pm | Kurt Repanshek

I will say the cabins at Zion are among my favorites.

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