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Push Being Made For Chesapeake National Recreation Area

Just the natural history of the Chesapeake Bay -- how a meteor formed it, the size of its watershed, its diverse fisheries, its tributaries, wetlands, and islands -- could justify its addition to the National Park System, but when you add the American and cultural history to that, it seems almost to have been an oversight that there is no unit of the National Park System that celebrates this unique and complex ecosystem.

Essay | Update On Ambler Road In Alaska’s Brooks Range

While much conservation and political attention have focused on whether to allow oil development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, another project, the Ambler Mining Project, and road construction proposal may pose even greater threats to the Arctic’s wildlife and wildlands. Despite this threat, the Ambler project has thus far received far less attention from the media, politicians, and conservation organizations.

Lodging In The Parks | Yellowstone Commercial Services Contract

The National Park Service recently issued a prospectus seeking proposals for a 15-year contract providing retail plus food and beverage service in Yellowstone National Park. The anticipated starting date is January 1, 2024. The prospectus covers seven Yellowstone locations and is distinct from the park’s nine lodges and lodge dining facilities currently managed by Xanterra Travel Collection, a major NPS concessionaire currently in the 10th year of a 20-year Yellowstone contract. Facilities under the new prospectus were operated by Hamilton Stores for nearly 90 years prior to the Bozeman-based firm being outbid in 2002 by current operator Delaware Parks and Resorts.

Some Questions Raised Over Cumberland Island National Seashore's Human Carrying Capacity

Cumberland Island National Seashore officials are open to more than doubling the allowable number of visitors to the park that straddles Georgia's largest barrier island, a decision that has raised concerns that the National Park Service is straying from the very reasons behind the seashore's establishment..