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Bridging the Gap

Wildlife Biologist, Phil Dobesh and the Conata Basin/Badlands National Park black-footed ferret recovery implementation team have been working overtime lately, worried about the black-footed ferret population.

The YVO 2023 Annual Report Has Hit The Streets!

Every year since 2017, the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory has summarized yearly geological activity—earthquakes, ground deformation, geyser eruptions, and so forth—and research efforts and findings in a series of annual reports. In these products you can find information about the numbers of seismic swarms in a given year, or the progress made on geologic mapping and dating of Yellowstone deposits, and even the thermal emissions from Yellowstone National Park as detected by satellites.

The Impact Of Climate Change On National Parks

You already know what a big impact climate change is having on your favorite national parks — especially those along the coast, which are struggling to cope with the impact of rising sea levels, subsidence, and increasingly potent storms. Over the coming months, the National Parks Traveler is developing a multi-part, multimedia series to examine what has already happened — as well as the threats that loom as our planet continues to warm.