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Update | Jemez Pueblo Quickly Given OK To Take Eagles From Valles Caldera National Preserve

In a move viewed as unprecedented and apparently against agency regulations, National Park Service Director Chuck Sams signed off on a request to allow the Jemez Pueblo in New Mexico to kill either a bald or golden eagle in Valles Caldera Preserve for cultural purposes.
PDF icon vall_eagle_take_ea_october_2023.pdf PDF icon signed_vall_eagle_take_fonsi_with_nid_october_20231.pdf

Channel Islands National Park Notches Another Endangered Species Success Story

Two plants that live on California’s Channel Islands and nowhere else on earth —the Santa Cruz Island Dudleya and island bedstraw— have been declared fully recovered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service due to the collaborative efforts of conservation partners and no longer require Endangered Species Act protections. The delisting of the two species arrives as the Endangered Species Act celebrates 50 years of conservation in 2023.