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Traveler's View: Biden Administration Should Block Big Cypress Oil Drilling

Whoever is confirmed as Interior secretary for the Biden administration should shut down Burnett Oil Co.'s plans to drill for oil in Big Cypress National Preserve and bring an end to any new prospecting or drilling in the biologically diverse and ecologically vital park in South Florida.

Traditional And Emerging Roles Of Chesapeake And Ohio Canal National Historical Park

As much as Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park serves human visitors in search of bucolic serenity, American history, or recreation, the park also serves plants and animals with a safe corridor to move across the landscape, and waterscape, in an area of otherwise fragmented habitats.

Visitor Stats Reveal How Canada's Parks And Historic Sites Fared In 2020

Even a global pandemic couldn’t knock Banff National Park off the top of the list of Canada’s most visited national parks. Rouge National Urban Park saw more visitors than ever before as urbanites looked for quick and close outdoor escapes. And a Quebec island that once served as a quarantine station for new immigrants, and is now a national historic site, enjoyed a summer surge in popularity.