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UPDATE | Land Acquisition Adding 9,300+ Acres To Great Sand Dunes National Park And Preserve

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve in Colorado grew by more than 9,300 acres Thursday via acquisition of land from the Medano Ranch owned by The Nature Conservancy, although the conservation group will continue to have use of the land for up to seven years, according to an Interior Department release.

UPDATE | Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Expands By Nearly 3,500 Acres

Expansion of Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site in Colorado will allow the National Park Service to better interpret the 1864 military assault on an encampment of rough 750 Arapaho and Cheyenne Plains tribal members that led to the deaths of more than 200, according to an Interior Department release.

Study Contends Wolf Management Plans Are Skewed Towards Livestock Interests

Wolf management plans are faulty because the data they are based on is skewed, according to a study out this week. In researching livestock losses in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, and Wisconsin, the authors found that "the percent of livestock killed by wolves never exceeded 0.21 percent for sheep and 0.05 percent for cattle."
PDF icon conservat_sci_and_prac_-_2022_-_kareiva_-_a_new_era_of_wolf_management_demands_better_data_and_a_more_inclusive_process.pdf