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Glacier National Park

Photography In The National Parks: Low-Light Compositions Indoors And Out

Every photo you capture of your experience in a national park fleshes out that visit for yourself and your viewing audience. That national park photo story should include a few low-light shots of your explorations through a shadowy forest interior, or around the spacious lobby of a rustic park lodge, or gazing skyward toward the Milky Way on a clear, moonless night outdoors.

Photography In The National Parks: The Invitation Of An Intimate Composition

How many times have you viewed someone’s national park images and one shot in particular pulled you into the composition? This shot invited you in. This is the power of an intimate composition. Traveler contributing photographer Rebecca Latson explains the photographic elements of this type of composition.

Photography In The National Parks: The Beauty Of A Simple Composition

There’s something to be said for a simple composition, you know. Something to be said for an image not requiring much parsing through the various details combined to create a shot, the gist of which might take time to fully comprehend. A simple image can pack a punch and create an emotional response despite, or perhaps because of, its minimalism.

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