Rocky knob campground in Va is a giant Ant Nest . You can't bring your own wood due to fear of invasive bugs , yet you can take all the Ants home with you , wether you want the Ants or not .
A second Trump Presidency would last from the time he takes the oath of office to the time he walks into the Oval Office to invoke the Insurrection Act, suspending due process and essentially crowning himself king.
Jun 25th - 23:13pm |
You nailed it!
Jun 24th - 13:27pm |
Ohall Right
Then we must pave the path to prevention of national parks becoming business parks by turning out a landslide election driven by votes of the vast majority of Americans.
Today, July 2, 2024, I cancelled a reservation that I had previously modified and paid a $10 change fee at the time of the change. For this cancellation today, I was charged a $10 cancellation fee and RE-CHARGED the $10 change fee previously paid, total of $20 to cancel!! No double charge the last time I cancelled, so I guess this is a new way to dig deep in our wallets for more money.
I was a seasonal park ranger in the Tetons in the 1970s and recorded the first reintroduction (griz tracks in the Snake Riverbanks) of grizzlies back to that park; wandering in from Yellowstone. They had been hunted out over the preceding century. At the time, the Yellowstone cohort had dwindled down to about 125 bears with only 13 breeding sows. Park policies had recently changed (after abr
Jun 26th - 15:24pm |
Zola Evelyn Diaz
Am a resident in Kingwood, Texas, a retired teacher, 71 yrs old, reading this plan mentioned above and I honestly loved and enjoyed my visit in North Cascade National Park with my son few years ago for the first time, who still lives till now in Vancouver, WA. My adventures in NCNP was incredibly impressive and memorable seeing the beauty of nature there that we don't have here in Texas.
Jun 26th - 09:08am |
Theresa Jump
In 1995, Washington State, with a 44-5 vote, created legislation (RCW.77.12.035), declaring, "grizzly bears shall not be transplanted or introduced into the state."
Protection of grizzly bears--Limitation on transplantation or introduction--Negotiations with federal and state agencies.
Jun 25th - 13:53pm |
Rick Thalhammer
I am no wildlife biologist, but have been active for years as a volunteer with a non-profit that promotes the use and preservation of the Pacific Crest Trail, which travels through the North Cascades as part of its passage from the Mexican Border to the Canadian Border.
Jun 25th - 10:28am |
Cary Field
Introducing Grizzlies into the Northern Cascades is a fantastically great mistake. Those areas haven't seen Grizzlies in 50+ years. Those areas have become a Primo spot for hiking and hunting. I guarantee you that hikers will be jumped by those bruins and if they are alert enough to defend themselves and survive, it will most likely be that the bear was killed in Self defense.
Jun 24th - 03:31am |
Greg Mckeever
I love wilderness but am sad to hear of this decision. My heart goes out to the hundreds perhaps thousands of newborn babies of all species including black bears,not to mention deer and elk that will be killed each year by these apex predators.
I have opinions on this issue. Among other matters, I first of all believe that there are many opinions to be heard, however only informed and invested opinions carry merit. The most iinformed opinons I've heard come from educated and trained people like wildlive biologists.
Alex Arnold at the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument was a great resource for us on June 27, 2024. He is obviously deeply knowledgeable about the Missions and was able to answer questions about what I thought really abstruse matters, such as why a mission church was not oriented to the East.
Thanks. We lived in Skagway for about five years. My backpacking days are long over, but my [much younger] wife enjoyed hiking the Chilkoot Trail while we were there. Your article brought back memories.
It's really telling that the way it is reccomended to move up is to find someone higher ranking to help you get those positions. I spent 7 years of my life stuck as a gs-09 ranger with no chance of promotion because cronyism was the preferred method of promotion, regardless of merit. I had not worked in the right parks and acquired the right cronies.
Jun 21st - 13:46pm |
Terry H. Kingery
Find the BEST QUALIFIED EXPERIENCED AMERICANS for each position. Stop this concentrating & overemphasis on skin color, sex, etc. No quotas, no graphs, no articles like this are needed....JUST FIND, HIRE, & PROMOTE THE BEST AMERICANS!
Jun 19th - 20:46pm |
"The Park Service can be a difficult place for anyone but white employees"
As Vladimir Lenin once noted, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." I'm sure you believe it. You want to believe it. You think all white employees are having a party of a career at the NPS?
Jun 19th - 07:15am |
Mike G
experience and competency must drive Supervisor hires, not race.
Jun 18th - 18:43pm |
Albert R Gutierrez
75 % of supervisors are white----dont white people make up more than 75% of our population?? How about forgetting about race when hiring people --and hiring the most qualified no matter what color they are???
Jun 18th - 14:00pm |
Ben from Virginia
Women have been a success story in becoming superintendents. They make up a significant number of supertendencies. I think it will take time for minorities to move up through the ranks to become superintendents. Remember, 90 percent of visitors are white still in many parks.
Too late now, but before Hamilton Stores lost their contract, they had beautiful high quality gifts, many made in the US, including authentic Indian jewelry.
Jun 26th - 19:00pm |
Cheryl Henry
We were in Yellowstone today and lots of the same things as when we were here about 10 years ago. One store had a whole section that was made in USA. Fairly good selectio.
Jun 26th - 11:41am |
We bought postcards in every national park we visited over the years. Sometimes books, maps, teeshirts, or cups.
Using bait to lure bears is like shooting fish in a barrel, and is not "Hunting". Shooting bear cubs and wolf pups in their dens, or leaving them to starve as orphans, is barbaric. I support hunting in the National Preserves, but not when using less than sporting methods.
Jun 14th - 16:09pm |
Mike Davis
I don't have a problem with baiting bears for hunting
Parks are wonderful, Employees are great, Mamagement is horrible as are the organizatons that manage lodging. I feel bad for young families due to the cost. Lodging is some parks is outrageous. Too man viositors that hav eno respect for the parks and others. Visiting is nothing like it was in the 80's and 90's.
Traveler does an excellent job. But times and condtions are changing. We have managed to fight off many challenges, but the greatest dangers to our parks (and our entire nation) are political. Especially right now as the country is more divided than perhaps any in our history.
No matter how full and overflowing the GTNP parking lots are the NPS still let's the people in. Nowhere to park, no problem for the NPS, they'll take your money.
My family along with some friends spent the day swimming at Firehole in 2014. I had a similar experience of getting pulled about 10' under water after floating from the upper pool area. It was a near death experience for myself, but I was finally able to grab the rock wall and pull myself up. Just swimming I could not overcome the undertow.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Takes a special person to service a park ranger you give voice to park by telling it's story and by protecting it. Mr Lorin will greatly missed within Ranger community.
Chris, if you click through to the article on the Acadia NP website, you will see that this summer's project is part of a much larger study, conducted by professional ecologists, that has been going on for some time. The soil is being used in study beds, not just dumped on the summits, and it isn't randomly-collected soil from visitors' backyard gardens.
Jun 14th - 12:32pm |
"Turns out, replacing soil lost from the summits is a critical piece of the revegetation puzzle, providing a place for seeds to settle and grow. "
Just goes to show the rich and famous continue to be treated differently. Same judge in March 2024 gave Pierce Brosnan a light fine and no jail time for walking in thermal features off the trails at Mammoth Hot Springs.
Jun 14th - 08:37am |
Something seems disproportionate when comparing this case to that of Pierce Brosnan (, given the judge's explanation that the sentence is to "deter [...] the public from leaving the board
Jun 13th - 19:58pm |
Bill ihrig
A start. Make visitors sign a form stating they will abide to all park rules. Arrest and prosecute more to make the point
In general support of Bob Janiskee, I don't think Great Sand Dunes should have been made a national park, and I opposed the semi-active ongoing push to make Colorado NM into an NP.
(I live south of the "international state line" and have been to Chickasaw several times. Nice place; not a national park.
thanks Kurt and Lynn for a great overview. I also saw the emails from some lodges saying they had rooms. Looking at openings, it appears to be a small number. i think the high prices are just too much for anyone on a budget. Keep up the great work.
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